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103 SIG

Military Story (Eng)

Book Introduction 1972.3.22. At Gunsan City Hall, received a physical examination for conscription and 1973.1.12. Took the train from Gunsan Station, entered the Nonsan Army Training Center in Choongnam, to get basic military training, and travel by train to Wonju, Gangwon-do 1973.3.5. After entering the Wonju Telecommunication Training Center, received a special training in the second half and..
Book Introduction

1972.3.22. At Gunsan City Hall, received a physical examination for conscription and 1973.1.12. Took the train from Gunsan Station, entered the Nonsan Army Training Center in Choongnam, to get basic military training, and travel by train to Wonju, Gangwon-do 1973.3.5. After entering the Wonju Telecommunication Training Center, received a special training in the second half and became a 361 heavy installation specialty soldier. After being attached to the 3rd Corps in Hyeonri, Girin-myeon, Inje-gun, Gangwon-do, and two days later, transferred to the 103 SIG Telecommunications Battalion. The soldier is Lee Mi-nam as main character.

After publishing the real story [Military Story: Stand-down Leave and SOFA] as a novel, one veteran read the novel by an eBook and contacted the author by e-mail to see again after 46 years. This is a self-publishing fiction story that has been revised by adding stories about the history of troops and unknown stories of 103 SIG Telecommunication Battalion through Sergeant Kim Joon-pil who was the reader of eBook.


Born at Gunsan city, Jeollabuk-do, Korea,1952.
Announced the first poem [Tie 연緣] in monthly Buddhist magazine,1975.
Completion of the Industrial High-rank Course at Yonsei University Graduate School of Engineering Academy, 2001.
SPARC Completion Paper Announcing [Changes in Publishing Market and Future of eBooks] Seoul National University Award Jang Yeong-Sil for the Best Practices in Natural Science College, 2018.8.

From March 1, 1985, started sales in Hong Kong as a representative of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. to penetrate the P.R. China market with no-frost 2-doors refrigerator as the first export from Korea. Since then, he continued to export only new products made in Korea produced by SME.

Since after his sixtieth birthday, he has been participating in free lectures in Korea, talent donation for publishing agency, and social activities. Hoping to be a medicine paper containing herbs that are always used in herbal medicine.

[Robert’s Works]
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